
Directory of Legislation

On this page you will find a list of legislation and legislative instruments applicable to compliance management at UNE.  Clicking on the name will take you to more information, where a link is provided.  This may be an external website or document.

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  • Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to consolidate the enactments relating to the protection of inclosed lands from intrusion and trespass.
  • Income Tax Act 1986 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to impose a tax upon incomes. This Act has relevance for the University in its function as an employer and in the course of its payroll activities.
  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth) - Level 5An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the imposition assessment and collection of a tax upon incomes. The act is gradually being rewritten into the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, and new matters are generally now added to the 1997 act.
  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) - Level 5An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the imposition assessment and collection of a tax upon incomes.

    Under DIVISION 50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 the UNIVERSITY , as a "PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION" is exempt from tax on its ordinary income and statutory income.

    UNE Foundation , UNE Life Limited, and UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd are all exempt as a "registered charity".

    Even if an exempt entity, the Commissioner can still require you to lodge an income tax return or information under section 161 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
  • Income Tax Rates Act 1986 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to declare the rates of income tax.
  • Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 (NSW) - Level 1An Act to constitute the Independent Commission Against Corruption in NSW (the Commission) and define its functions.

    The principal objects of this Act are—
    (a) to promote the integrity and accountability of public administration by constituting an Independent Commission Against Corruption as an independent and accountable body—
    (i) to investigate, expose and prevent corruption involving or affecting public authorities and public officials, and
    (ii) to educate public authorities, public officials and members of the public about corruption and its detrimental effects on public administration and on the community, and
    (b) to confer on the Commission special powers to inquire into allegations of corruption.

    Under the Act, certain persons have a duty to report corrupt conduct to the Commission (Ombudsman, Commissioner of Police, principal officer of a public authority, an officer who constitutes a public authority, Minister of the Crown). The University, as a public authority, is within the jurisdiction of the Commission and the Vice-Chancellor has the duty to report corrupt conduct to the Commission. ICAC has powers to investigate allegations of corruption in University operations. Essentially, offences under the act are in the realm of obstructing justice (destroying evidence, failure to produce documents, provision of misleading evidence, hindering the conduct of an investigation, bribery of witnesses, procuring false testimony). Further, the Act prohibits the University as an employer from dismissing or disciplining an employee on account of assistance to the Commission.
  • Independent Commission Against Corruption Regulation 2017 (NSW) - Level 1Regulations made under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988.
  • Independent Contractors Act 2006 (Cth) - Level 3This Act allows independent contractors to make their own commercial arrangement, free from the constraints of industrial and employment law. The Act will apply to the University where there is a services contract.
  • Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000 (Cth) - Level 2The Act provides the legislative basis and appropriates funding for a variety of Indigenous education programs for the Tertiary sector, to advance the education of Indigenous persons. The Indigenous Education and Training programs are built upon the foundation of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy (AEP). The Australian Government, along with all State and Territory governments, endorses and promotes the 21 common and agreed National Goals of the AEP.

    The Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000 Program Guidelines 2013 set out Indigenous Education and Training Program objectives, administrative requirements and funding arrangements.
  • Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 (Cth) - Level 4The objects of this Act are to:

    (a) provide for a national scheme to regulate the introduction of industrial chemicals in Australia; and

    (b) aid in the protection of human health and the environment including through:

    (i) the regulation of the introduction of industrial chemicals; and

    (ii) the assessment and evaluation of the introduction and use of certain industrial chemicals; and

    (iii) the provision of information and recommendations about managing the risks arising from the introduction and use of industrial chemicals; and

    (c) provide for the collection and publication of information and statistics relating to industrial chemicals; and

    (d) give effect to Australia’s obligations under international agreements and arrangements relating to the regulation of industrial chemicals.
  • Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) - Level 2The Act establishes the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW and defines functions, procedures, and powers of the Commission.

    The objects of this Act are as follows—
    (a) to provide a framework for the conduct of industrial relations that is fair and just,
    (b) to promote efficiency and productivity in the economy of the State,
    (c) to promote participation in industrial relations by employees and employers at an enterprise or workplace level,
    (d) to encourage participation in industrial relations by representative bodies of employees and employers and to encourage the responsible management and democratic control of those bodies,
    (e) to facilitate appropriate regulation of employment through awards, enterprise agreements and other industrial instruments,
    (f) to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace and in particular to ensure equal remuneration for men and women doing work of equal or comparable value,
    (g) to provide for the resolution of industrial disputes by conciliation and, if necessary, by arbitration in a prompt and fair manner and with a minimum of legal technicality,
    (h) to encourage and facilitate co-operative workplace reform and equitable, innovative and productive workplace relations.
  • Industry Research and Development Act 1986 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to encourage certain research and development.
  • Insurance (Application of Laws) Act 1986 (NSW) - Level 4The Insurance (Application of Laws) Act 1986 is NSW legislation that applies this Commonwealth legislation - The Insurance Contracts Act 1984.
  • Insurance Act 1902 (NSW) - Level 2An Act to provide legislation in the area of Life, Fire and Marine Insurance. The Act seeks to establish rights and responsibilities of the Insurer and Insured parties and provides for power of the courts to arbitrate disputes around insurance contracts. The Insurer has rights to challenge evidence when that it believes claims to be false, and Insured parties have obligations to disclose and make representations that are true and correct for a valid insurance contract to take effect.
  • Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) - Level 4The Insurance Contracts Act 1984 seeks to ensure that a fair balance is struck between the interests of insurers, insured parties and other members of the public and so that the provisions included in such contracts, and the practices of insurers in relation to such contracts, operate fairly. The University as an 'insured' party has a duty to disclose to the insurer, before the relevant contract of insurance is entered into, every matter that is known to the insured, being a matter that:
    1. The insured knows to be a matter relevant to the decision of the insurer whether to accept the risk and on what terms; or 2. A reasonable person could be expected to know to be a relevant matter. The Act provides for remedies for non-disclosure and misrepresentation and allows for the application of the Criminal Code for offences under this Act.
  • International Tax Agreements Act 1953 (Cth) - Level 5An Act to give the force of Law to certain Conventions and Agreements with respect to Taxes on Income and Fringe Benefits, and for other purposes.
  • Interpretation Act 1987 (NSW) - Level 4An Act relating to the interpretation, construction, application and operation of the legislation of New South Wales.