
Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 (Cth) - Level 4

View Legislation

The objects of this Act are to:

(a) provide for a national scheme to regulate the introduction of industrial chemicals in Australia; and

(b) aid in the protection of human health and the environment including through:

(i) the regulation of the introduction of industrial chemicals; and

(ii) the assessment and evaluation of the introduction and use of certain industrial chemicals; and

(iii) the provision of information and recommendations about managing the risks arising from the introduction and use of industrial chemicals; and

(c) provide for the collection and publication of information and statistics relating to industrial chemicals; and

(d) give effect to Australia’s obligations under international agreements and arrangements relating to the regulation of industrial chemicals.

Relevant Compliance Frameworks

Legislation, Standards and Codes may be linked to one or more of the University's compliance frameworks either as the driver of the requirements, or as a component of the framework.

The relevant frameworks are listed below.