A-Z Register

UNE Compliance Register

This Register lists the compliance drivers (Commonwealth, NSW and international laws and other statutory instruments, and industry, community and ethical standards and codes) that impact on University activities and operations, to the extent that the University has some obligation of compliance or accountability.

The currently documented drivers are listed below in alpha-order by title.  Click on the title to access a detailed overview.  You can also search the register to find all of the compliance drivers and obligations relevant to your activities and the people who can help with your compliance responsibilities.

Note: the Register is being continually enhanced, with drivers and obligations added and amended as required.

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  • Gas Supply Act 1996 (NSW) - Level 3The objects of the Gas Supply Act are as follows:
    - to encourage the development of a competitive market in gas, so as to promote the thermally efficient use of gas and to deliver a safe and reliable supply of gas in compliance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development contained in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991,
    - to regulate gas reticulation and gas supply, so as to protect the interests of customers,
    - to promote the safe use of gas.

    As a consumer of gas the University is subject to the Act.
  • Gene Technology Act 2000 (Cth) - Level 3The nationally consistent legislative scheme for gene technology is comprised of the Commonwealth Gene Technology Act 2000 and Gene Technology Regulations 2001, and corresponding State and Territory legislation. The object of the Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing those risks through regulating certain dealings with GMOs (genetically modified organisms).
  • Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) - Level 1The object of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) is to open government information to the public by:
    - authorising and encouraging the proactive release of government information by agencies;
    - giving members of the public an enforceable right to access government information; and
    - providing access to government information unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

    The GIPA Act establishes four ways to access government information:
    1. Mandatory Disclosure: obligatory publication of certain information on UNE's website, free of charge.
    2. Proactive Release: release of information, in an appropriate manner and at the lowest reasonable cost.
    3. Informal Release: release of information in response to a person's informal request.
    4. Formal Access: release of information in response to a formal access application.

    Government information is information in a record held by the University (the University is a public authority under the GIPA Act). A record can mean any document or source of information that is compiled, recorded or stored in printed or electronic form.
  • Government Sector Audit Act 1983 (NSW) - Level 1The principal objects of this Act are—
    (a) to recognise that the Auditor-General is an independent and accountable statutory officer responsible for providing independent audit and audit-related services, and
    (b) to establish the Audit Office of New South Wales to assist the Auditor-General in the exercise of the Auditor-General’s functions.
  • Government Sector Finance Act 2018 (NSW) - Level 1The objects of this Act are as follows—
    (a) to promote and support sound financial management, budgeting, performance, financial risk management, transparency and accountability in the government sector and by GSF agencies and government officers,
    (b) to facilitate the effective devolution of roles and responsibilities in connection with financial management to support efficient and effective government,
    (c) to require the efficient, effective and economical use and management of government resources and related money in accordance with the principles of sound financial management,
    (d) to promote appropriate stewardship of government resources and related money,
    (e) to facilitate cooperation and collaboration within and between GSF agencies for the purpose of achieving common objectives and whole of Government objectives,
    (f) to facilitate the keeping and sharing of performance information in the government sector for the purposes of decisions about resource allocation.

    NOTE: The Treasurer’s directions do not apply to a university or its controlled entities, except for the purposes of provisions of Divisions 7.2 and 7.3 of the Act that are applicable to universities and their controlled entities.