Compliance Overview

Compliance Framework
Compliance Driver Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)
Classification Level 1
University-wide concern. Impacts on reputation and funding.
Associated Legislation
Associated Standards None
Associated Codes None
Associated Information None
Return to Top Administrative Information
Administrative Body Information and Privacy Commission NSW
Administrative Name Ms Elizabeth Tydd, Information Commissioner
Administrative Address Mailing Address
GPO Box 7011
Sydney NSW
Australia, 2001
Physical Address
Level 17
201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW
Australia, 2000
Administrative Phone 1800 472 679
Administrative Email
Administrative Website
Return to Top General Introduction
VC Compliance Delegate Susannah Warrick, Director Governance and University Secretary
Compliance Coordinator Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Overview The object of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) is to open government information to the public by:
- authorising and encouraging the proactive release of government information by agencies;
- giving members of the public an enforceable right to access government information; and
- providing access to government information unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

The GIPA Act establishes four ways to access government information:
1. Mandatory Disclosure: obligatory publication of certain information on UNE's website, free of charge.
2. Proactive Release: release of information, in an appropriate manner and at the lowest reasonable cost.
3. Informal Release: release of information in response to a person's informal request.
4. Formal Access: release of information in response to a formal access application.

Government information is information in a record held by the University (the University is a public authority under the GIPA Act). A record can mean any document or source of information that is compiled, recorded or stored in printed or electronic form.

Compliance Obligations

Return to Top Access applications
Description Access applications must be dealt with in accordance with Part 4
Impacts 1. Under s116 an officer of the University must not make a reviewable decision where the officers knows the access application is contrary to the Act (maximum penalty of 100 penalty points).
2. Under s117 a person must not direct an officer of the University to make a reviewable decision where the officers knows the access application is contrary to, or not permitted by, the Act (maximum penalty of 100 penalty points).
3. Under s118 it is an offence to improperly influence a decision on an access application (maximum penalty of 100 penalty points).
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Government Information
Description Government information (information contained in a record held by the University) must not be destroyed, concealed or altered for the purpose of preventing the disclosure of information.
Impacts It is an offence under s120 with a maximum penalty of 100 points.
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule Records Management Rule
Policy Code of Conduct
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Internal Review
Description Internal reviews of a reviewable decisions applications must be dealt with in accordance with Division 2 of Part 5.
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Legal Services
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information
Description Under s6 the University must make 'open access information' publicly available on its website (and in at least one way, free of charge) unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

The University must also keep a record of the open access information (if any) that it does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure. This record is to indicate only the general nature of the information concerned.
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Legal Services
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • UNE Marketing
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - disclosure log
Description Under s25 the University must have a disclosure log of all access applications, which s18(d) requires to be made publicly available.

The log of access applications is for records where the University decides to release the information, and is to include:

1. date of decision
2. description of the information
3. if the information is now publicly available and how and where it can be accessed.

s26(2) - (3) set out details not required to be recorded in the disclosure log of access applications.
Impacts Negative impact on reputation
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Legal Services
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - information guide
Description Under s20 the University must have an information guide, which 18(a) requires to be made publicly available. At intervals of not more than 12 months the University must adopt a new information guide.

s20 to 22 set out the information guide requirements.
Impacts Negative impact on reputation
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Legal Services
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - not publicly available
Description Where information has not been made publicly available due to an overriding public interest against disclosure, s18(f) requires the University to keep and make publicly available a record of the general nature of the information concerned.
Impacts Negative impact on reputation.
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - policy documents
Description s18(c) requires the University's policy documents to be made publicly available.

Under s23 policy documents are documents used by the University "in connection with the exercise of those functions of the agency that affect or likely to affect rights, privileges or other benefits, or obligations, penalties or other detriments, to which members of the public are or may become entitled, eligible, liable or subject.
Impacts Under s24 the effect of policy documents not being publicly available is:
A person is not to be subjected to any prejudice because of the application of the provisions of an agency's policy document to any act or omission of the person if, at the time of the act or omission:
(a) the policy document was not publicly available as required by this Act, and
(b) the person was not aware of those provisions, and
(c) the person could lawfully have avoided the prejudice had the person been aware of those provisions.
Responsible Manager Susannah Warrick, Director Governance and University Secretary
Coordinating Officer Alicia Zikan, Head Records Policy and Governance
Coordinating Unit Records, Policy and Governance Unit
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - prescribed by regulations
Description For the purposes of s18(g) of the Act, the following is prescribed by the regulations (s5 (4)) as open access information:
a. the total number and total value of properties disposed of by the University during the financial year.
b. the University's guarantee of service (if any)
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - register of government contracts
Description Under s27 the University must have a register of government contracts valued at $150k or more, which s18(e) requires to be made publicly available.

The details of the contract must be entered into the register within 45 working days of the contract becoming effective.

Details of the information to be entered in the register is set out in s29, with s30 requiring additional information to be entered under certain conditions.Under s37 information is only to be included to the extent that the University holds the information or it is reasonable practical to obtain the information.

Under s32 gives detail as to the confidential information not required to be included in the register.

S33 details obligations with variations to contracts.

Under s34 information required to be included in the register is only required to be made publicly available as open access information for the public access period (s34(2))
Impacts Negative impact on reputation
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Open access information - tabled information
Description s18(b) requires all information about the University tabled in Parliament to be made publicly available.
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation)
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Relations)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Residential System
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites
Return to Top Reporting - to Parliament
Description Under s125, within 4 months after the end of each reporting year, the University must prepare an annual report on the University's obligations under the GIPA Act.

This report is to be incorporated in the Annual Report of the University in the format specified by the Information and Privacy Commission NSW, and is to include the detail specified in s7 of the Regulations, and the statistical information required by Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

The Information Commissioner is to be provided a copy of the report.
Impacts Negative impact on reputation
Responsible Manager Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Officer Carmel O'Brien, Contracts Officer
Coordinating Unit Legal Services
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Legal Services
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites