Compliance Overview

Compliance Framework
Compliance Driver Ombudsman Act 1974 (NSW)
Classification Level 1
University-wide concern. Impacts on reputation and funding.
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standards None
Associated Codes None
Associated Information None
Return to Top Administrative Information
Administrative Body NSW Ombudsman
Administrative Name Mr Michael Barnes, NSW Ombudsman
Administrative Address Physical Address
Level 24
580 George Street
Sydney NSW
Australia, 2000
Administrative Phone 02 9286 1000
1800 451 524
Administrative Email
Administrative Website
Return to Top General Introduction
VC Compliance Delegate Susannah Warrick, Director Governance and University Secretary
Compliance Coordinator Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Business Units Impacted
  • Academic Transitions Programs and Skills
  • Administration Services
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Ag360
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Brand Partnership and Business Development
  • Business Intelligence
  • Business Services
  • Careers & Employability
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Analytics Software Infomatics
  • Centre for Animal Research and Teaching
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Client Services
  • Collaborative Research Centres
  • Controlled Entities
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Cotton Catchment Communities CRC
  • CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies
  • CRC for Spatial Information
  • Curriculum and Academic Management
  • Data Services
  • Digital Education
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Futures
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Examinations Office
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Finance Strategy and Business Intelligence
  • Graduate Research School
  • Growing Regional and Agricultural Students in Science
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Information Security
  • Infrastructure Services
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Integrated Services and Operational Intelligence
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Director Governance and University Secretary
  • Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • Operational Reporting
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Policies Team
  • Poultry Hub
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Centres and Institutes
  • Research Services
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • SportUNE
  • Strategic Partnerships & Business Development
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Strategic Projects Group
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Student Pathways
  • Student Services
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • Treasury
  • UNE Brand Marketing and International Strategy
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Life Pty Ltd
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • UNE Professional Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd
  • UNE Residential System
  • University Secretariat
  • Vechile Management Services
  • Yarm Gwanga
Overview This Act provides for the appointment of an Ombudsman, and defines the functions of the Ombudsman including investigations, conciliations, and reporting. Subject to certain conditions, any person (including a public authority) may complain to the Ombudsman about the conduct of a public authority (all NSW public universities are public authorities over which the Ombudsman has jurisdiction). Whilst complaints are the primary mechanism to trigger an investigation by the Ombudsman, an investigation may take place whether or not a complaint has been received.

The types of conduct that a complaint can be made about include:
• If a person believes the University (or a university officer) has acted dishonestly, unfairly or unreasonably towards them, and they have been unable to resolve the matter within the University.
• If a person believes the University’s policies or procedures are flawed or unfair.
• If a person has experienced what they believe to be unreasonable delays or if the University has made a decision that they should have provided reasons for, but did not.
• If a person believes they have made a public interest disclosure within the meaning of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1993 and the university has not handled it correctly.
• If there is good evidence of maladministration on the part of the University.
• If a person has been advised by the University at the conclusion of an appeals process that you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman.

For the purposes of an investigation under this Act, the Ombudsman may require the University to: give the Ombudsman a statement of information; produce to the Ombudsman any document or other thing; or give the Ombudsman a copy of any document. In addition, the Ombudsman may, at any time enter and inspect any premises occupied or used by a public authority as a public authority, and inspect any document or thing in or on the premises.

Compliance Obligations

Return to Top Comply with legislation
Description Compliance with legislation.

For the purposes of an investigation under this Act, the Ombudsman may require the University to: give the Ombudsman a statement of information; produce to the Ombudsman any document or other thing; or give the Ombudsman a copy of any document. In addition, the Ombudsman may, at any time enter and inspect any premises occupied or used by a public authority as a public authority, and inspect any document or thing in or on the premises.
Impacts Negative impact on reputation.

Specific penalties are listed in s37 of the Act
Responsible Manager Susannah Warrick, Director Governance and University Secretary
Coordinating Officer Katrina Warden, Director Legal Services
Coordinating Unit University Secretariat
Oversight Committee/Group None
Business Units Impacted
  • Advancement, Communications, and Events Directorate
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit
  • Australian Business Research Institute
  • Business Intelligence
  • Centre for Agriculture and Law
  • Centre for Applied Research in Social Science
  • Centre for Local Government
  • Corporate Communications and Events
  • Education Enterprise
  • Education Quality Directorate
  • English Language Centre
  • Estate and Built Environment
  • Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health
  • Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
  • Finance
  • Heritage Centre
  • Heritage Futures Research Centre
  • Institute for Rural Futures
  • Internal Audit
  • Legal Services
  • Library Services
  • Office of Strategy Management
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor and CEO
  • Oorala Aboriginal Centre
  • People and Culture
  • Place Based@UNE
  • Records Team
  • Records, Policy and Governance Unit
  • Research Services
  • Rural Properties
  • School of Education
  • School of Environmental and Rural Science
  • School of Health
  • School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • School of Law
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Rural Medicine
  • School of Science and Technology
  • Strategic Procurement
  • Student Experience
  • Student Grievance Unit
  • Technology and Digital Services
  • The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education
  • UNE Business School
  • UNE Council
  • UNE Foundation Limited
  • UNE Foundation Trust
  • UNE International
  • UNE Marketing
  • UNE Medical Centre
  • UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd
  • UNE Residential System
  • University Secretariat
  • Yarm Gwanga
Obligation Framework
Associated Legislation None
Associated Standard None
Associated Code None
Associated Information None
Management Tools
Rule None
Policy None
Procedure None
Guideline None
Other Websites