
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) - Level 2

View Legislation

An Act to require certain employers to promote gender equality in the workplace, to establish the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and the office of the Director of Workplace Gender Equality.

The principle objects of the Act are to:
* promote and improve gender equality (including equal remuneration between women and men) in employment and in the workplace.
* support employers to remove barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce, in recognition of the disadvantaged position of women in relation to employment matters.
* promote, amongst employers, the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender in relation to employment matters (including in relation to family and caring responsibilities).
* foster workplace consultation between employers and employees on issues concerning gender equality in employment and in the workplace.
* improve the productivity and competitiveness of Australian business through the advancement of gender equality in employment and in the workplace.

Relevant Compliance Frameworks

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The relevant frameworks are listed below.