
Directory of Legislation

On this page you will find a list of legislation and legislative instruments applicable to compliance management at UNE.  Clicking on the name will take you to more information, where a link is provided.  This may be an external website or document.

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  • A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 (Cth) - Level 3This Act establishes a system for registering businesses and issuing them with unique identifying numbers - known as Australian Business Number (ABN). An ABN makes it easier for businesses to conduct their dealings with the Australian Government.

    The Act also establishes a Register of Australian Business.
  • A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth) - Level 3An Act to implement A New Tax System by providing assistance to families, and for related purposes.
  • A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) - Level 2An Act implementing and administering a goods and services tax.
  • A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) - Level 5An Act about a luxury car tax to implement A New Tax System, and for related purposes.
  • A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) - Level 5An Act about a tax, relating to certain alcoholic beverages, to implement A New Tax System, and for related purposes.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth) - Level 4The purpose of the ATSIHP Act is the preservation and protection from injury or desecration of areas and objects in Australia and in Australian waters, being areas and objects that are 'of particular significance' to Aboriginals in accordance with Aboriginal tradition.

    The expression 'of particular significance' was modelled on the definition of the term 'sacred site' in the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (Cth).

    The ATSIHP Act does not protect all forms of Indigenous heritage. For example, the Act does not protect:
    - areas and objects whose heritage significance is due to their archaeological, scientific or historical interest, such as areas of past Aboriginal occupation, traditionally made tools, or old records.
    - rock art or contemporary art that has no particular significance in Aboriginal tradition.
    - natural heritage (including wildlife or biodiversity).
    - intangible heritage (such as intellectual property and language).
  • Acts Interpretation Act 1901 (Cth) - Level 4An Act relating to the interpretationand construction of Commonwealth legislation applicable to the University.
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) - Level 5An Act to establish an Administrative Appeals Tribunal to review a wide range of administrative and state decisions made by the Australian Government and some non-government agencies
  • Advocate for Children and Young People Act 2014 (NSW) - Level 2An Act to create the office of Advocate for Children and Young People and to provide for the functions of that office; and to repeal the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 and the Youth Advisory Council Act 1989.
  • Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) - Level 1The Act helps to ensure that people are not treated less favourably on the ground of age in various areas of public life including employment, provision of goods and services, education and administration of Commonwealth laws and programs. The Act also provides for positive discrimination - that is, actions which assist people of a particular age who experience a disadvantage because of their age. It also provides for exemptions in superannuation, migration, taxation and social security laws, state laws and other Commonwealth laws and some health programs.
  • Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) - Level 4The object of this Act is to establish a national registration authority to administer such laws of the Commonwealth or of the States and Territories relating to agricultural and veterinary chemical products as confer functions and powers on the Authority.
  • Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (New South Wales) Act 1994 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to apply certain laws of the Commonwealth relating to agricultural and veterinary chemical products as laws of New South Wales; and for other purposes.
  • Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to make a law for the government of certain Territories in relation to the evaluation, registration and control of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, and for related purposes
  • Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to make provision for the evaluation, registration and control of agricultural and veterinary chemical products, and for related matters, for the purposes of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1994.
  • Agricultural Livestock (Disease Control Funding) Act 1998 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to assist agricultural industries to provide and fund services to control diseases in livestock; and for other purposes.
  • Agricultural Tenancies Act 1990 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to regulate the rights of agricultural landowners, tenants and sharefarmers and to provide for the resolution of disputes between them; to repeal the Agricultural Holdings Act 1941 ; and for other purposes.
  • Anatomy Act 1977 (NSW) - Level 3An act to regulate the performance of 'anatomical examinations' (does not include post mortem). The use of a body for medical or scientific purposes includes using the body for educational activities for medicine or science. Under the Act a register of persons who have donated parts of their anatomy to the University must be maintained with details as prescribed by the Act.The Act confers powers on the Director General to issue a licence for anatomical examinations; the license, issued to a person or the holder of an office in charge of the conduct of anatomical examinations at the University, provides for conduct of anatomical examinations at specified place per terms and conditions as listed on the license. Each body to be used for anatomical examinations must have a valid authority to be used for that purpose. The act defines how a valid authority may be established. Further, to enable the lawful conduct of the examination, the act requires the person wishing to conduct the examination to have lawful possession of the body. The Act also regulates the period for which a body may be used for such examinations; and, the conditions surrounding transfer of the body or tissue and disposal of the body.
  • Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW) - Level 3The principal aim of this Act is to protect the welfare of animals used in connection with animal research. There are two primary areas of control:
    1. The Act regulates the carrying out of animal research by restricting such activity to persons or organisations holding a 'certificate of accreditation' issued under this Act, and
    2. This Act requires that the supply of animals for the purposes of research only be conducted by those persons or organisations holding an 'Animal Suppliers Licence' issued under the Act.
  • Animal Research Regulation 2021 (NSW) - Level 3This Regulation makes provision with respect to the following:

    (a) the Code of Practice relating to the conduct of animal research and the supply of animals for use in animal research,
    (b) the accreditation and licensing of persons and organisations that conduct animal research or supply animals,
    (c) certain exemptions from requirements relating to the conduct of animal research and the supply of animals,
    (d) the qualifications of members of the Animal Research Review Panel,
    (e) the constitution and procedure of animal care and ethics committees and subcommittees,
    (f) the form of identification to be carried by inspectors,
    (g) the records to be kept by persons or organisations conducting animal research,
    (h) the payment, waiver and refund of fees,
    (i) savings and formal matters, including the repeal of the Regulation on 1 September 2023.
  • Animals Act 1977 (NSW) - Level 5An Act relating to liability for damage caused by animals.
  • Annual Holidays Act 1944 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to provide for annual holidays for workers.
  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) - Level 1An Act to render unlawful racial, sex and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances and to promote equality of opportunity between all persons.
  • Anti-Discrimination Regulation 2019 (NSW) - Level 5A regulation relevant to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Allows provision of benefits including concessions to members of a club by reason of a members age.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and for other purposes.
  • Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW) - Level 4An Act to provide for the regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships. This Act applies to the Apprenticeships and Traineeship agreements that are entered into by the University.
  • Archives Act 1983 (Cth) - Level 5The objects of the Commonwealth Archives Act 1983 are:
    (a) to provide for a National Archives of Australia; and
    (b) to impose record keeping obligations in respect of Commonwealth records.
  • Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) - Level 4The objects of this Act areâ€"
    (a) to establish a scheme for the registration of associations that are constituted for the purpose of engaging in small-scale, non-profit and non-commercial activities, includingâ€"
    (i) associations that are currently unincorporated (which become bodies corporate when they are registered), and
    (ii) associations that are currently incorporated under other legislation (which retain their corporate status following registration), and
    (b) to make provision with respect to the corporate governance and financial accountability of associations registered under that scheme.
  • Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (Cth) - Level 1An Act to protect and manage Australia’s foreign relations, and for related purposes
  • Australian Charities and Not-for- Profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth) - Level 2An Act to establish the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and a national regulatory framework for the not-for-profit sector, and for related purposes. It establishes the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC); charges the ACNC with registering not-for-profit entities (initially charities) and maintaining a register; provides for the powers of the ACNC Commissioner in relation to the regulation of registered entities; and sets out the obligations and responsibilities of registered entities.
  • Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005 (Cth) - Level 3The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for regulating telecommunications and radiocommunications, including promoting industry self-regulation and managing the radiofrequency spectrum. The ACMA also has significant consumer protection responsibilities. The functions of the ACMA are specified uner this Act. It exercises powers under the Telecommunications Act 1997, the Radiocommunications Act 1992, and other related legislation. The ACMA licenses telecommunications carriers, ensures compliance with carrier licence conditions and service provider rules, and monitors service performance and quality. The ACMA also administers legislative provisions relating to powers and immunities of carriers in the construction of telecommunications facilities, and protection of consumers through safeguards and service guarantees.
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) - Level 1An Act to establish the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (now known as the Australian Human Rights Commission) , to make provision in relation to human rights and in relation to equal opportunity in employment. The Act provides a procedure by which the Human Rights Commissioner may investigate and attempt to conciliate in matters involving complaints of unlawful discrimination in the paid workforce. Unlawful discrimination in Australia includes age discrimination, disability discrimination, racial discrimination and sexual discrimination.
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 2019 (Cth) - Level 2This instrument is made under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986. It outlines declared discriminations, that is distinctions, exclusions or preferences that constitute discrimination. It also notes that the previous declared discriminations in the now repealed regulation Australian Human Rights Commission Regulations 1989, continue to apply to in relation to distinctions, exclusions or preferences made before 1 October 2019.
  • Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (Licence Charges) Act 1998 (Cth) - Level 4An Act to impose charges on licences issued under the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998, and for related purposes.

  • Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 (Cth) - Level 5The Act provides a legal framework for the protection of the health and safety of the public and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation, and establishes the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) as the national regulatory body.

  • Australian Research Council Act 2001 (Cth) - Level 1An Act to establish an Australian Research Council and to provide for the funding of research programs, and for related purposes
  • Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth) - Level 2An Act to make provision relating to sanctions to facilitate the conduct of Australia’s external affairs, and for related purposes.

    (1) The main objects of this Act are to:

    (a) provide for autonomous sanctions; and

    (b) provide for enforcement of autonomous sanctions (whether applied under this Act or another law of the Commonwealth); and

    (c) facilitate the collection, flow and use of information relevant to the administration of autonomous sanctions (whether applied under this Act or another law of the Commonwealth).

    Countryâ€'specific sanctions

    (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the autonomous sanctions may address matters that are of international concern in relation to one or more particular foreign countries.

    Thematic sanctions

    (3) Without limiting subsection (1), the autonomous sanctions may address one or more of the following:

    (a) the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

    (b) threats to international peace and security;

    (c) malicious cyber activity;

    (d) serious violations or serious abuses of human rights;

    (e) activities undermining good governance or the rule of law, including serious corruption;

    (f) serious violations of international humanitarian law.
  • Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011 (Cth) - Level 2Regulations made under the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011