UNE Compliance Register
This Register lists the compliance drivers (Commonwealth, NSW and international laws and other statutory instruments, and industry, community and ethical standards and codes) that impact on University activities and operations, to the extent that the University has some obligation of compliance or accountability.
The currently documented drivers are listed below in alpha-order by title. Click on the title to access a detailed overview. You can also search the register to find all of the compliance drivers and obligations relevant to your activities and the people who can help with your compliance responsibilities.
Note: the Register is being continually enhanced, with drivers and obligations added and amended as required.
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The University, as a public authority, is within the jurisdiction of the Commission and the Vice-Chancellor (as the principal officer) has the duty to report to the Commission any matter where there is a reasonable suspicion that corrupt conduct has occurred or may occur.
Offences under the act are in the realm of obstructing justice (destroying evidence, failure to produce documents, provision of misleading evidence, hindering the conduct of an investigation, bribery of witnesses, procuring false testimony). Further, the Act prohibits the University as an employer from dismissing or disciplining an employee on account of assistance to the Commission.
- protect the freedom of independent contractors to enter into services contracts;
- recognise independent contracting as a legitimate form of work arrangement that is primarily commercial;
- prevent interference with the terms of genuine independent contracting arrangements.
This is achieved primarily by providing for the rights, entitlements, obligations and liabilities of parties to services contracts to be governed by the terms of those contracts, subject to:
(a) the rules of common law and equity as applying in relation to those contracts; and
(b) the laws of the Commonwealth as applying in relation to those contracts; and
(c) the laws of the States and Territories as applying in relation to those contracts, other (in general) than any such laws that confer or impose rights, entitlements, obligations or liabilities of a kind more commonly associated with employment relationships.
The Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000 Program Guidelines 2013 set out Indigenous Education and Training Program objectives, administrative requirements and funding arrangements.
UNE must also make an annual declaration of industrial chemicals acquired between 1 September and 31 August of each year (the Registration period).