
Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Act 2024 (Cth) - Level 1

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There is to be a National Student Ombudsman.

The National Student Ombudsman’s main functions are:

(a) to deal with complaints about actions taken by higher education providers; and

(b) to conduct investigations into actions taken by higher education providers, on the National Student Ombudsman’s own initiative; and

(c) to give higher education providers advice and training on handling complaints.

However, the National Student Ombudsman cannot deal with complaints about, or investigate, certain kinds of actions (called excluded actions) taken by higher education providers.

Complaints can be made to the National Student Ombudsman by higher education students of higher education providers.

The National Student Ombudsman can deal with complaints by referring the complaint to the higher education provider for investigation, by using alternative dispute resolution processes or restorative engagement processes or by conducting an investigation.

Following an investigation, the National Student Ombudsman can give a report to a higher education provider with recommendations. The National Student Ombudsman will also prepare annual reports and, as necessary, periodic reports of the operations of the National Student Ombudsman.

The National Student Ombudsman has information gathering powers under this Part and other powers under this Act (as applied by this Part).

Relevant Compliance Frameworks

Legislation, Standards and Codes may be linked to one or more of the University's compliance frameworks either as the driver of the requirements, or as a component of the framework.

The relevant frameworks are listed below.

  • None