
Directory of Codes

On this page you will find a list of Codes applicable to compliance management at UNE.  Clicking on the name of a code will take you to more information, where a link is provided.  This may be an external website or document.

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  • National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern (Cth) - Level 3Of the approximately 40,000 chemicals approved for use in Australia, 96 are identified (by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG)) as being chemicals of security concern. Of these 96, 15 chemicals have been deemed as high risk (can be used at make homemade explosives or toxic devices) and are covered by the voluntary National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern (Code). It should be noted that Ammonium nitrate is not included in this group of 15 as it is regulated separately by state and territory governments.

    Although the Code specifically applies to the 15 high risk chemicals, organisations are encouraged to adopt the Code for the 96 chemicals identified as of security concern.
  • National Construction Code (Cth) - Level 3The National Construction Code (NCC) is a uniform set of technical provisions for the design, construction and performance of buildings and plumbing and drainage systems throughout Australia. It is published and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board, on behalf of and in collaboration with the Australian Government and each State and Territory Government.

    It is a performance-based code that sets minimum requirements in relation structure, fire safety, access and egress, accessibility, health and amenity, and sustainability.

    The NCC is made up of the:

    - Building Code of Australia (BCA), being Volumes One and Two (given effect through the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979)
    - Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), being Volume Three (given effect through the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011).
  • National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) (updated 2018) (Cth) - Level 1The National Statement (2007) (updated 2018) consists of a series of Guidelines made in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. It is intended for use by: any researcher conducting research with human participants; any member of an ethical review body reviewing that research; those involved in research governance; and potential research participants. The National Statement is developed jointly by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Research Council and Universities Australia. Compliance with the National Statement is a prerequisite for receipt of National Health and Medical Research Council funding.